How Can I Increase The Speed of A Ceiling Fan?

Has your ceiling fan started indicating signs of growing old? Has your ceiling fan speed slowed down? If this is the problem, then you can be able to fix the problems all by yourself. Most of the ceiling fans go back to their normal speeds after simple maintenance and cleaning.

The newest ceiling fans boast three built-in speeds and some are incredible, with a 4-speed control. Ceiling fans are built with two rotational directions to enhance the temperatures in your rooms throughout the year. These amazing features allow you to save energy while maintaining your rooms’ temperatures. Below are details of how to increase the speed of your ceiling fan.

Why Is My Fan Speed So Slow?

Regular inspection of your ceiling fan is the simplest way and key to maintaining your ceiling fan. Moreover, this inspection will not take much of your time and you eradicate the issues before they escalate. Your ceiling fan speed slows down due to the following factors:

– Imbalanced ceiling fan blades.

It is easy to identify imbalances in your ceiling fan. If your ceiling fan wobbles, shakes or moves around while on top speed, then there is an issue with the fan blades. This can be on one or all your fan blades. Check if the blades are warped, bent, or they are fixed at different angles and align them accordingly.

– Bad capacitor.

While troubleshooting your ceiling fan for low speed, if all the blades are okay, that is no shaking or wobbling in your fan, then the problem might be the ceiling fan motor. The only solution to this is to replace your ceiling fan motor and it should be with one with the same fan rating.

– The bearing is old or damaged.

The bearing of your ceiling sticks up due to the accumulation of dirt or oil, or they become dried and require lubrication. You can notice this problem if you rotate your ceiling fan blades using your hand. If your fan blades are not moving freely, the problem is with the bearing.

Does Changing the Capacitor Increase Fan Speed?

Ceiling fans are run by single-phase motors and use capacitors to start and run. Some ceiling fans use a combination start-stop capacitor while others have a capacitor for each. Some ceiling fans that have multiple
capacitors for varying speeds.

Now, when the capacitance is increased, the voltage across your capacitor decreases while that across your fan motor increases. This, in turn, increases the speed of your fan. Overall, increasing your capacitor value results in an increased fan speed.

How Can I Speed Up My Fan?

By following simple basic maintenance tasks, you can enhance the speed as well as the efficiency of your ceiling fan. The following items will be needed:
– Screwdriver
– Dust attraction cloth.
– Lubricant.

Detailed Steps for Speeding Up Your Ceiling Fan:

Step 1: Fix the vibration problems in your fan blades.

Use a dust attraction cloth to clean the fan blade surface properly. Then, tighten and loose screws attaching your ceiling fan blades with the rotating center.

Step 2: Lubricate the moving parts.

The best advice is to follow the instructional manual to fill the oil reservoir of the ceiling fan. Use either 10, 15, or 20-weight according to the instructions from the manufacturer’s manual. Ensure that your oil reservoir is clean. Fill new oil and then give your ceiling fan a few rotations to clean your reservoir. Remove this oil and refill your reservoir. Switch on your ceiling fan and check whether the steps have improved the speed of your fan. If the issue continues, check the wiring of your fan’s switch.

Step 3: Observe the pull chain switch on the ceiling fan.

Your pull chain switch may be having a problem or the fan speed setting might be missing.

– Switch off your fan and wait until it rests. Set your fan at the lowest speed with the assist of your pull chain and turn your fan on.
– With your eyes and ears on observing the fan motor while increasing its speed using the chain.
– If the speed of the motor does not increase, after pulling the chain, it means there is a problem with your switch.

Step 4: Check the wiring.

Inspect the area where your chain switch is wired to the fan. Check for loose connections or bare wires. Reconnect any loose wires, and if the wiring is okay the solution is to replace the switch.

Step 5: Inspect the motor.

If the problem continues even when you have replaced the switch, check the motor windings since this may be the reason for the slow speed. Some windings in your fan can are designed to control multiple fan speeds. If the windings are broken, you cannot repair them instead, replace your old motor or opt to buy a new ceiling fan.


1. How the speed of a ceiling fan can be varied.

How the speed of your ceiling fan is varied depends on whether it has a solid-state control or a capacitor. The solid-state controls the change in the level of power of your motor to control the speed. For example, when switched from medium to high on your solid-state fan, the power of your motor is increased by the speed control mechanism. The solid-state control is featured in fans whose controls have predetermined settings including high, medium, and low.

2. How long can you run a ceiling fan at high speed?

The latest ceiling fans have three and some four blades and a strong motor. With the latest technology, your ceiling fan can run at high speed for an extended time without heating, but it will take a short time before you start experiencing the cooling effect. Therefore, with advanced technology, you can run your ceiling fan for as long as you would like, but after getting the ultimate cooling effect and comfort, there is no need for high speed anymore. Staying with your ceiling fan at high speed for a long time might make you chilly.

3. How to tell if a ceiling fan can be speed controlled.

A ceiling fan that can be speed controlled has a solid-state motor. This invention gives your motor variable speed control settings. On your manual, check the specifications of your motor, whether it uses this advanced technology and if so, then your ceiling fan can be speed controlled.

In conclusion, your ceiling fan has a long life, but it will begin to run slow if it is not properly maintained and cleaned. With periodic and proper maintenance you can eliminate any problems in your ceiling fan and keep it operational for many years.